Huron County Nature Center
Where Conservation Meets Exploration
The Huron County Nature Center and Wilderness Arboretum stands as a sanctuary for nature enthusiasts and environmentalists alike. This natural haven is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the rich biodiversity of Michigan's flora and fauna.
At the heart of the Nature Center lies its wilderness arboretum, a protected haven where native plants, animals, and ecosystems thrive undisturbed. The center's diverse geography, characterized by sand ridges and shallow swales, provides a conducive environment for scientific research, education, and immersive nature experiences. Visitors can embark on rejuvenating walks along well-maintained trails, immersing themselves in the tranquility of the natural surroundings.
Open year-round with free admission, the Huron County Nature Center invites individuals and families to explore and connect with the wonders of the natural world. From digital trail maps accessible online to dog-friendly walking trails, the center offers inclusive experiences designed to foster appreciation and understanding of Michigan's ecological heritage.
As a nonprofit organization reliant on donations and grants, the Nature Center welcomes contributions from those passionate about preserving and promoting environmental conservation. By supporting the Nature Center's mission, patrons can make a meaningful difference in safeguarding Michigan's natural treasures for generations to come.
3336 Loosemore Rd, Port Austin
Events & Nature Talks
Free Admission
Trails open Year-Round from Dawn to Dusk
Paved Path (wheelchair and stroller accessible)
Pet-Friendly (leash required)
Visitors Center open 7 days a week during the summer