Village Green Vendor Application
Learn more and submit your vendor application below!
Hours of Operation
Fridays: 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturdays: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Shops are required to be open every Friday from Memorial to Labor Day weekend, Saturday during the Farmers Market season (May 17 - Oct 4), and during select special events.
Shop Rentals
$2500 for the season.
Vendors must maintain renter’s insurance.
Shops are rented as is; units are not equipped with heat or air conditioning.
Interior and exterior fixtures may be installed with prior approval.
Village Green Vendors shall adhere to all rules, regulations, and guidelines which apply to vendors of the Port Austin Farmer’s Market, and shall not violate any ordinance of the Village of Port Austin or any law of the State of Michigan.
Note To Applicants
Should you not be approved, it is likely due to a redundancy of similar products with existing Village Green Shops. However, your application will remain on our waitlist for future consideration as rental spaces become available.