Annual Chamber Events

2025 Information:

Saturday, April 19th. 1:00pm

Gallup Park - 271 W State St

Easter Egg Hunt

The Port Austin Easter Egg Hunt takes place in late March or early April at Gallup Park. Children 12 and under are invited to participate in this fun-filled event, where they can hunt for eggs hidden throughout the playground, softball field, and baseball field.

Age groups are divided into 0-4, 5-8, and 9-12, ensuring a fair and enjoyable experience for all participants. Be on the lookout for the special golden egg hidden in each age group, for a special prize! The Easter Bunny will be hopping around to spread joy and cheer, so don't forget to bring your Easter baskets for collecting eggs!

Join us for an egg-cellent time!

Join us before the event to assist in hiding eggs, or lend a helping hand during the hunt to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Volunteers needed!

Join us before the event to assist in hiding eggs, or lend a helping hand during the hunt to ensure everything runs smoothly. To volunteer follow the link below. We appreciate your help!


Bocce Ball